Sunday, August 18, 2013

Armour is coming!!!

While my blog hasn't been getting much love, our models have...  I took my entire collection on travel from Saudi to Alaska with me, and NOTHING broke [thanks to my trusty new BattleFoam Black Label case!!!  no, I am not getting paid for that endorsement, it is simply the most magical toy box I have ever bought...]

Here are thumbnails of most of the vehicles on the work bench after getting three shades of yellow, and a glaze.

The Jet Bikes ... 4 Heavy Bolters, 2 Vulkites

WIP Misc 9 August 13

Two Rhinos... all the better to deliver your pizza in.

WIP Rhinos 9 August 13

Two Land Raiders (yes, only one pictured) for delivering Termies.

WIP Land Raiders 9 August 13

The Spartan!!!  The most stylish heavy transport going, I think.

WIP Spartan 9 August 13

A Storm Eagle, super dope looking, and tactically flexible.

WIP Storm Eagle 9 August 13

And, of course, a Fellblade for when you absolutely have to squish your foes dead from a healthy distance.

More to post in the next couple of days... however, I'm making the final push to get things ready for the Heresy Gaming Weekend, so I may not have time to post until I get back.