Monday, February 6, 2012


After months of procrastination, I have been inspired by Proiteus's plog "Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons; The Forces Of Prospero." Over the coming months I intend to post where I am headed with my own Pre-Heresy Thousand Sons force, and the progress I make on pulling it together. I'm not about to claim this is entirely original -- dozens of people have posted their PHTS armies on Dakka, Warseer, BoLS, etc -- but it is MY effort, and that's what the bloggosphere is all about, right?!?

To begin; I have two of these bad boys pictured below coming from Machinator at the end of the month. They should make a nice solid core for my force; I just LOVE Land Raiders!!! While Forge World has released a beautiful model in the Land Raider Proteus, I still like something about the scale and originality of Tom's conversions more. Not to mention the fact that they retain the playability of a standard L/R in tournament games by keeping the front ramp intact!

I'll do my best to post more pics as they become available; but will also try to balance building with PLOG'ing!
